Following the attack on the Coris Manufacturing Centre all surrounding colonies are now in jeopardy. The Lanios Defensive Force's plan to consolidate their forces in the northern hemisphere, away from the enemy's front lines, has become an urgent goal.
The colony of Farwal is closest to the fallen installation and will be the site of your next mission. The Lanios forces are launching an immediate evacuation of all humans located at the colony. Your role will be to oversee the evacuation of the colonists and destroy any enemy units that threaten the shuttles that will be transporting the colonists. The enemy is rapidly advancing and will be within the colony compound shortly after your arrival.
Four personnel shuttles have been dispatched to evacuate the colonists. Each shuttle will be required to make only one trip in order to relocate all of the colonists.
A small ground based convoy will be set up to transport all equipment to our new base. You must stay behind to make sure that this convoy is not followed.
The colony itself is totally expendable, but to ensure the survival of the colonists you must destroy the majority of the attacking force. Once your job has been completed contact us and we will get you out of there.
[Terrain Conditions] : Temperature : -22 Degrees Celsius
Geography : Tundra-Based Colony
Time of Day : Mid-day
Visibility : Fog
[Primary Objective] : The evacuation shuttles must survive.